Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Grows decadent

As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests. Dwellers Dwelling Dwellings Dwells Dwelt Dwight Dwindled Dye Dyed Dying Dyke Dylan Thomas Dynamic Dynamics Dynamism Dynamite Dynasty Dysfunction Dysfunctional Dyslexia Dyslexic Each Eager Eagerly Eagerness Eagle Eagles Ealing Ear Earl Earlier Earliest Memories Early 1990s 20s Age Bird Childhood Life Morning Mornings Sixties Stages Thirties Work Earmark Earmarks Earn Earned Earner Earners Earnest Earnestly Earnestness Earning Earnings Earns Earring Earrings Ears Earth Day Earthly Earthquake Earthquakes Ease Eased Eases Easier Easiest Thing Way Easily Easing East Asia Asian Coast Side Village Easter Eastern Europe Eastman Eastwood Easy Access Reading Thing Way Easy-Going Easygoing Eat Breakfast Eaten Eater Eating Eats Eavesdrop Eccentric Eccentricities Eccentricity Eccentrics Ecclesiastical Echo Echoes Echoing Eclectic Eclipse Eclipsed Ecological Ecology Econometric Economic Activity Benefits Change Crisis Development Engine Forces Freedom Future Growth Independence Issues Justice Life Opportunities Opportunity Policies Policy Power Problems Prosperity Recession Recovery Security Situation Stagnation Strength System Theory Times Values Economical Economically Economics Economies Economist Economists Economize Economy Ecosystem Ecosystems Ecstasy EcstaticEd Harris Sullivan Eddie Murphy Eddy Eden Edgar Edge Edged Edges Edgy Edible Edifice Edinburgh Edison Edit Edited Edith Editing Edition Editor Editorial Editorials Editors Edits Edmonton Educate Educated People Educates Educating Education Programs Reform Educational Background Opportunities Educationally Educations Educator Educators Edward Edwardian Edwards Effect Effected Effecting Effective Way Effectively Effectiveness Effects Effectual Effectually Effeminate Efficacious Efficacy Efficiencies